Monday, 30 September 2013

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease- An Overview

Degenerative Disc Disease, usually, affects the lower back or lumbar spine of an individual. It is known as a syndrome in which a patient suffers lower back pain because of compromised disc.

Even though there have been cases where genetic component is found to be associated with DDD condition, the fact is that it arises because of several factors. It might be the traumatic injury or simple wear and tear. However, it is important for you to know that it seldom begins because of some major trauma like car accident. As observed in most of the cases, it is because of the low energy injury to the disc that an individual suffers from the condition. It is the slow progress of the disease along with avoidable circumstances that often the condition is identified in later stages.

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease does not have a blood supply. Therefore, like other injuries that repair it the way other tissues do, this is not the case with LDDD.  There is very possibility that even an unimportant injury to the disc can trigger a degenerative cascade in which the disc starts wearing out.   Although the disease sounds to be dramatic, it is common and is found in more than forty percent of the people aged between 30 and 50 years of age. However, not every patient suffers pain and in most of the cases by the time formal diagnose takes place, the condition of the patient deteriorates significantly.

It is only when patient fails to show any kind of improvement with the medication, steroids and non-invasive techniques; surgeons recommend surgery for Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Understanding Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease

In the recent years, there has been a rise in number of people suffering from back and neck pain. The condition of patients suffering from the diseases worsens if not treated on time. More often than not, candidates are not even aware of their existing condition. It is only during routine check up that come to know about the real cause of back and neck pain.  Disc degeneration is one of the most common causes of pain.

Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease grows like a sore and within no time your neck becomes stiff. However, anatomic change that is consequential to the condition might lead to pain and nerve compression that radiates into your hands, shoulders and arms. In some cases, life of patient becomes so miserable that he or she finds it tough to even meet their daily activities.

The cervical spine is found in the upper back or neck area. It comprises of seven vertebrae and each one of them is separated by discs that are filled with substance that is similar to gel. It is these discs that allow a person to bend and turn without any difficulty. The condition of disc degeneration occurs when the discs starts wearing out because of years of twisting, turning and bending or a person faces damage because of an injury.

When the discs starts breaking down, the space between the vertebrae narrows resulting into nerve roots that might start pinching. Slowly, neck starts losing flexibility. Weakness in fingers, arms, shoulders and hands; pain, tingling and numbness are the symptoms that you might experience in case of Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Treatment for Lumbar Herniated Disc

The care of a patient suffering from Lumbar degenerative disc disease is different from standardized. As a matter of fact, it is individualized for every patient.

The options of treatment for the condition are dependent on the duration of time for which the patient had been suffering from the severe back pain. There are other considerations as well like the nature of symptoms like numbness and weakness present including the age of the patient.

Usually the patient undergoing treatment for Lumbar Herniated Disc is started with six to twelve weeks of non-surgical treatment that comprise of medications, epidural injections and physical exercises. Surgeon will prescribe the nonsurgical treatment on the basis of patient’s condition.

If patient fails to show even the slight improvement for the condition after taking pain relief and the conditions seems to be persisting then the last resort is surgery. Surgeon wills recommend the surgery only after trying other methods. Here are the conditions in which surgery might be recommended:

  • The patient is experiencing constant neurological symptoms like numbness and weakness that worsen each passing day.
  • The pain is extremely severe and patient is finding it tough to even meet day to day activities.

As observed in most of the cases, symptoms related to Lumbar Herniated Disc will resolve with time.  No matter what surgeon will recommend surgery only in cases where there is no improvement from non-invasive medicines. A series of test is performed by doctor to diagnose the conditions and, therefore the treatment accordingly.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

When you have Cervical or Lumbar Herniated Disc

With ageing come problems. No matter how alert you are in your diet and how religiously you follow exercises, you can encounter health related issues without any prior notification. Millions of people all over the world are bearing the pain triggered by Cervical and Lumbar Herniated Disc. The condition can make your life miserable to an extent that you might not even feel comfortable accomplishing your day to day activities. It is important that an individual suffering from persisting back pain seek the advice orthopedic surgeon before the conditions worsens. As observed in most of the cases, patients ignore the pain and apply pain relief ointment to get rid of pain but it only leads to more problems. Cervical Herniated Disc is one condition that requires you to visit the doctor to get timely treatment.   

Orthopaedic surgeons who have the expertise to treat the condition of Cervical Herniated Disc will, first, recommend certain exercises and stretching to alleviate your pain. If you perform these exercises in the order and time then there is very possibility that you might recover from the condition without having to undergo the surgery. In extreme cases where patient suffers from severe pain and experience no respite from exercises, surgeons will prescribe medications and steroids. Only when patient shows no sign of improvement even after taking medication that the surgeon will recommend surgery. Surgery is the last resort to Lumbar Herniated Disc. However, patients who have undergone the surgery recovered and resumed their daily activities.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Fundamentals and Goals of Artificial Disc Replacement

A large number of people all over the world are feeling the pangs of back pain. In some cases, condition of patient is so severe that he is recommended spinal fusion surgery right away. If you are also facing the condition that is similar to this then there is no need for you to worry as there is an alternative – Artificial Disc Replacement. It is one of the most recent treatments for treating the condition of back problems. Today, ADR is easily available and has shown successful results among those who have undergone the procedure. What makes it the most sought-after options is the fact that it eliminates the requirement for spinal fusion surgery.    

The primary objective of this surgery is to improve the mobility and reduce level of pain amongst patients suffering from lower back or lumbar pain. It is relatively a new procedure but has gained immense popularity amongst medical practitioners and orthopaedic surgeons. 

Spinal discs are located amid the vertebrae or bones of the spine and works as shock absorbers or cushions for the vertebrae. These discs are also responsible for the motion as well as flexibility of the spinal column. 

However, when you age these discs start becoming weak and develop cracks and tears in the exterior portion leading to the problem of Degenerative Disc Disease. Moreover, there is very possibility that the internal part might swell out and press against the exterior part causing pain. 

The sole purpose of Artificial Disc Replacement is to replace the damaged disc while preserving the motion of spine. Finally, your back pain will subside and slowly vanish and there will be no risk of developing the problem at an adjacent level of the spine.